


  • C#
  • C++
  • PC
  • Linux
  • XBox
  • Android
  • iOS
Project Duration
  • 10 months (Internship)
Tools Used
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2017


In my last year of university I did an internship at Silicon Studio working on Xenko, an open-source C# game engine.

The first major feature I worked on was the navigation mesh integration into both the game engine and the editor. This feature can be seen in action here or in the video below which shows the engine's top-down RPG template using this navigation mesh.

The second video shows the light shafts feature in the engine that allows you to create volumetric lighting effects using shadow maps. I helped to complete this feature and it is now available in the released version of the engine.

During this project I learned a lot about the inner workings of a game engine and it's tools.




  • C#
  • Android
Project Duration
  • 3 days
Tools Used
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
  • Unity 3D


This is a game me and 4 other people made for the Brains Eden game jam 2015. In the game you control the wind to maneuver a paper plane flying though a cylindrical world.

Most of my work for this game was graphics/shader related. I did things such as creating and tweaking the lighting inside the cylindrical level, creating a depth fog shader, and creating particles and some UI for the game.

Because we aimed for a smartphone/tablet game we had to make sure it ran at reasonable speeds, this was the first time I researched and did some optimization for mobile devices in unity.

We released the game on the Google Play store for free.

Get it on Google Play


Will of the Gods


  • C++
  • PC
Project Duration
  • 3 days + work from Jan-Sep on steam release
Tools Used
  • Unreal Engine
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
  • Steamworks


Together with the same team as for the Stacking Comrades project, we made this game during the Global Game Jam (GGJ) 2016 in 3 days.
I was in a team together with 2 other programmers, 2 designers and 1 artist. We joined the GGJ site at our university, NHTV in Breda. We won the 2nd place for the best game at our school, and also won the people's choice award. After the jam, we decided that this game has potential and decided to polish it and aim for a Steam Greenlight release.

Most of my work on this game during the game jam consisted of testing, implementing game mechanics and implementing graphical/audio/haptic feedback. After the game jam I wrote an AI for the single player game mode. Additionally this project allowed me to work with the steamworks API's and tools in order to release a game on steam.

The game is now available on steam at


Path Tracer


  • C++
  • Windows (with NVIDIA GPU)
Project Duration
  • 10 weeks
Tools Used
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
  • CUDA


This is a path tracer I made to render a scene with accurate reflections and in other ways simulate the behaviour of light.

This was one of the most fun projects I did and at the time I never heard of the concept of raytracing. After making a basic raytracer, I also added Monte Carlo sampling to increase the quality and accuracy of the shadows and to simulate light bounces.
During this I also experimented with GPU-acceleration and decided to implement my final version in CUDA which provides a pretty big speed-up for parallel tasks like ray/path tracing.
I wanted to add different shapes than just spheres and cubes so I did some research about Bounding Volume Hierarchies and implemented that in my path tracer to load and display scenes loaded from .obj files.

Below are some images that took about 1 minute to render each.


Stacking Comrades


  • C#
  • Android
  • Windows
Project Duration
  • 3 days
Tools Used
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
  • Unity 3D
  • Vuforia VR


During the Global Game Jam 2015 me, 3 other programmers, 1 artist and a designer made this small android game.
The goal of the game is to stack building materials on top of each other to reach the rocket higher up.

The game uses an augmented reality library to project the game on a surface with an image, which you can see through your smartphone camera
Global Game Jam site




  • C#
  • Windows
Project Duration
  • 10 weeks
Tools Used
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
  • Unity 3D


This is a simple physics system with sphere and plane collision and rolling friction. I tried to make a somewhat reusable physics component system in unity with adjustable mass and friction settings.

Although it is made in Unity, it does not use any of Unity's physics system, just the triggers for collision checking.




  • C++
  • Windows
  • Linux (Server)
Project Duration
  • 10 weeks
Tools Used
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
  • FreeImage
  • FreeType
  • OpenGL


I made this game together with another programmer as a demonstration for our networking system.

I wrote some gameplay code that synchronizes and interpolates the player positions, handles shooting and synchronizes the scoreboard. The rendering pipeline I wrote for this project uses OpenGL, has HDR rendering and a bloom filter over the screen. It also supports particle systems and trail renderers (see video below). I also wrote the GUI system used throughout the game and the menu, it is a basic combination of horizontal and vertical layout containers.

For the networking side, I wrote a basic encryption layer for network traffic that uses AES encryption and RSA for exchanging keys. I wrote this system from scratch in order to learn more public key cryptography and symmetric key cryptography.


A Spider's Tale


  • C++
  • PlayStation 4
Project Duration
  • 14 weeks
Tools Used
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
  • Phyre Engine


This game uses the Playstation Move and Playstation Eye to track the player's two hands. The player then controls a rope on the screen between his two hands and has to balance a ball on that rope to guide it through a series of obstacles.

My job on this project was mainly figuring out the rendering pipeline of the engine we were working with. I wrote some custom shaders and assisted the artists and designers with moving their assets into the game. This project also gave me the chance to research some native PS4 features not available from within the engine such as trophies and find out how a game is built and packaged for PS4 consoles and test kits.
